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Parksure’s Very Own YouTube Channel

By now you may already be aware of the fact we have our very own YouTube Channel.

We plan on using it to offer helpful advice that will be available 24/7.  So even when the Department is asleep or celebrating Christmas or other holidays;  our advice will be available to you; if you need it!

So Far we have videos on:
Buying a Park Home/Mobile Home
Living in a Holiday Home
Insurers Wrongfully Insuring Park Homes as Brick Built Bungalow’s.
General Maintenance Tips – Spring – Start of the Season
General Maintenance Tips -Winter – Closing Down for End of the Season
Flooding and Insurance
Does Posting Holiday photos on Social Media Invalidate your Insurance?
Insurance Costs Reduction – Refer a Friend
Advice on Preparing for a Storm
Extra Cover

And we plan on adding many more.

So please take a look and if you have a YouTube account; don’t forget to subscribe, so you don’t miss any other advice we offer in future.
(The advice is free and YouTube is free to view.   You don’t need to actually to sign up to YouTube if you don’t want to but it’s free to do so if you wish to.)

If you wish to tale to us about any of the advice given on the videos or simply want a quotations; please call us on 0800 731 9583 or visit us on

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We will Remember Them

“When you go home, tell them of us and say; for your tomorrow, we gave our today.” #LestWeForget #RemembranceDay