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Next Charity Challenge is to Climb Mount Everest

Next Charity Challenge is to Climb Mount Everest

Our parent company Cass-Stephens Insurances Ltd always tries to raise some much needed funds for local charities by doing some weird and wonderful things over the years.

Over the years we’ve done 100 mile walks, 500 mile static cycle rides, sky diving, Movember, Casual Dress days, Bake sales etc.

But how can we top a bake Sale you may ask?  Why by climbing Mount Everest of course.

On Friday 23rd June we will be embanking on a momentous 70,000 steps at the 6 ways stadium at Worcester to emulate the 70,000 steps it will take to climb Mount Everest.

We’re not doing alone of course as we have a team of employees and clients and a few others to help us reach our goal.

We are raising money for Multiple Sclerosis Society so if you would like to help us raise some much needed funds for this worthy charity please visit our Just-Giving Web Page.

See you at the summit!

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We will Remember Them

“When you go home, tell them of us and say; for your tomorrow, we gave our today.” #LestWeForget #RemembranceDay