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Recommend a Friend and Gain Rewards

Recommend a Friend and Gain Rewards

We’ve just sent out our 888th £10 Marks and Spencer’s Voucher for park home insurance and static caravan insurance clients recommending other clients to us. That’s £8,800 we’ve given away; let alone the £15 we’ve taken off client’s Renewal if they chose that option.

But please don’t stop;  if you have a friend or neighbour who is not with Parksure and you want to recommend us, please visit the following page and send us their details.

Alternatively just get your friend to ring us on Freephone number 0800 731 9583 and we’ll do the rest.



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We will Remember Them

“When you go home, tell them of us and say; for your tomorrow, we gave our today.” #LestWeForget #RemembranceDay