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The Stoneleigh has been cancelled due to COVID19. So we had our own!!!

The Stoneleigh show has been cancelled for the 2nd year in a row due to COVID19.  We really enjoy going to the show to meet old and new customers alike;  as well as many of the manufacturers and parks we insure.

But rather than wallow in our own COVID19 pity;  we decided to have an impromptu show of our own in the car park and as our cupcakes have taken on a reputation of their own, we decided to hand them out as normal.

Unfortunately you’ll have to wait until next year to get your hands on one of your own.

We are open as normal so please feel free to contact us in the normal way if you need the usual insurance advice or quotations we give out at the show.

Stay safe and we’ll look forward to seeing you all next year.

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We will Remember Them

“When you go home, tell them of us and say; for your tomorrow, we gave our today.” #LestWeForget #RemembranceDay