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COVID-19 – 1st Lockdown Diary Proves a Big Hit

Zombie Apocalypse - A COVID-19 Lockdown Diary - Matt M Cass
Zombie Apocalypse – A COVID-19 Lockdown Diary – Matt M Cass


COVID-19 – 1st Lockdown Diary Proves a Big Hit

A comedy diary that Parksure Park Home Insurance Director Matt Cass wrote during the first 100 days of the COVID-19 1st Lockdown has now been converted into a book and is proving a big success.

Matt had written daily updates on social media of his struggle to maintain his sanity whilst simultaneously home schooling the kids, trying to work from home and living in fear of running out of toilet paper!

Matt said “What started off as a bit of fun to hopefully put a smile on peoples faces during what looked like a decidedly depressing period turned into a mammoth 100 day diary.  Hopefully by putting it into print I can raise some much need funds for the NHS and some good will come out of it.”

Matt’s book is available to buy via Amazon ins Paperback and eBook format.

In true style, Matt has said that all profits from the sale of the book will go to the NHS; the true heroes of this Crisis.




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