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We Don’t Hard Sell to our Customers!

We Don’t Hard Sell to our Customers!

Yet another satisfied park home insurance customer who was impressed that we didn’t try and Hard Sell him the quotation.  As a family company, we don’t do Hard Sell, preferring our Customer Service and Quality Products and Competitive Premiums to do the work for us.  As you can see, it works!

Client: You’ve just given me a quote and the thing I like the most isn’t what you’ve said, it’s what you haven’t said.

Parksure: Oh! OK! What’s that?

Client: Well, as a past salesman, what I don’t like is a hard sell and a push to “buy it now”. You’ve given me all the information I need, you’ve explained what I’m going to be covered for and the price sounds really good. Please email me the quote so that I can look at it at my own leisure and I’ll be back in touch. You’ve been wonderfully helpful, thank you very much!

Parksure: You’re very welcome. Our policy is tailor made to Park Homes so we know we have one of the most comprehensive products on the market and our prices are competitive. We appreciate that clients don’t like a hard sell as we don’t like to be approached with a hard sell attitude either! Thank you for your comments, and we hope to hear from you when you have a moving in date, but if not, hope everything runs smoothly with the move!

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We will Remember Them

“When you go home, tell them of us and say; for your tomorrow, we gave our today.” #LestWeForget #RemembranceDay